Tag Archives: bullshit

A New Report on Family Separations Shows the Depths of Trump’s Negligence

Jonathan Blitzer, in The New Yorker: Last week, on the afternoon before Thanksgiving, the D.H.S. Inspector General quietly issued another report with still more revelations. In early May, 2018, just as the zero-tolerance policy was taking effect, D.H.S. shared an estimate with the White House that more than twenty-six thousand migrant children would be separated […]

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Everything is an example of anti-Christian bias if you’re too lazy to do any research

Friendly Athiest: Last month, I posted about how Mayor Amy Schuler Goodwin of Charleston, West Virginia renamed the town’s annual “Christmas Parade” to the “Charleston Winter Parade.” That lasted for all of a couple of days. The backlash was so intense, and the fight wasn’t one Goodwin was eager to take on, that she reversed […]

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Trump: Wag, wag, wag…

CONRAD BREAN: “Who’s got the story?” AMES: “Wait, don’t you want to know if it’s true?” CONRAD: “What difference does it make if it’s true? It’s a story and if it breaks they’re gonna have to run with it. How long we got ’till it breaks?” AMES: “Front page, Washington Post tomorrow.” CONRAD: “Uh, well, […]

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Reason Roundup: White House Seeks Social Media Sob Stories from Conservative Snowflakes

Elizabeth Nolan Brown at reason.com: Was someone mean to you on Twitter? The White House wants to know about it. As of Wednesday, a new tool on the White House website allows visitors to report suspected “political bias” from social media companies. “Too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for […]

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OpEd: Meet the Press? Don’t Bother

Michelle Cottle, writing in the paper of record: Conducting daily briefings was once a core function of the press secretary. The White House put its spin on the news of the day; reporters pushed for more information or clarification. Somewhere in all the give-and-take, the public interest was served. Under President Trump, such sessions have […]

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The GOP Is the Anti-Vaxx Party Now

Sophie Weiner writing at Splinter News: Six states now have bills authored by Democrats that would make forgoing vaccines for children more difficult. In nearly all of those states, which include Colorado, Arizona, New Jersey, Washington, New York, and Maine, the bills have faced Republican opposition. Meanwhile, in West Virginia and Mississippi, the GOP has […]

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Trump’s Work Days Are Mostly Empty

Dan Friedman at Mother Jones: President Donald Trump claims he is working hard as president. His private schedules suggest otherwise. On Sunday, Axios published Trump’s private schedules for almost every working day since the midterm elections of November 2018. The documents show the president has spent a whooping 60 percent of his work days during […]

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Trump’s behavior regarding Russia has always presented a serious security concern

Longtime conservative Republican Tom Nichols in USA Today, “All signs point the same way: Vladimir Putin has compromising information on Donald Trump”: Trump’s behavior regarding Russia has always presented a serious security concern. But when Trump fires the director of the FBI, and then brags about it to actual Russians, only the most stupid or […]

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NextDraft: Fallible

Dave Pell at NextDraft on the Chicago Tribune’s report that over 500 Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse have yet to be publicly identified by the Catholic Church: We’ve become desensitized by the vast number of these stories. But keep in mind, we’re talking about the number of perpetrators. The number of victims is much, […]

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A Version of Reality So Elaborately Embellished That it Qualifies as Fan Fiction

New York Times Editorial Board: “I built what I built myself.” This boast has long been at the core of the mythology of Donald Trump, Self-Made Billionaire. As the oft-told story goes, young Mr. Trump accepted a modest $1 million loan from his father, Fred, a moderately successful real estate developer from Queens, and — […]

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